SPECIALIZED MEDICAL SUPPLIES CO. LTD operates, manufactures and trades medical devices. The factory is located at Amman Industrial City – Saheb.

SPECIALIZED MEDICAL SUPPLIES CO. LTD is a 100% Jordanian company.

SPECIALIZED MEDICAL SUPPLIES CO. LTD exports to many countries , and its products have been evaluated by the Royal Scientific Society – Amman – Jordan and have been certified as high quality.

SPECIALIZED MEDICAL SUPPLIES CO. LTD manufactures its products according to GMP and SOPS procedures.

It is the policy of SPECIALIZED MEDICAL SUPPLIES CO. LTD to provide quality products and service that satisfy customer requirements and exceed their expectations at an effective cost. The company aims at maintaining a leading role in the local and regional markets, through continuous improvement and training.

The policy is implemented through the company’s ISO 9001; 2000 Quality Management System, which covers all the company’s operation and applies to all the company’s personnel.
Suppliers of raw material are required to meet stringent quality requirement.

This Quality Manual provides specifics on the policies and procedures used by SPECIALIZED MEDICAL SUPPLIES CO. LTD to meet ISO 9001:2000 Quality Management System requirements.

Scope: Medical Supplies Products, Manufacturing of Casting Materials and Surgical Dressings.