Our Abdominal Pads are made of 100 % pure cotton gauze and meet international standards .

Abdominal pads are used in surgery to keep the operation area dry and hold back tissues during laparotomy.


Our abdominal pads have the following Characteristics :

  • Have high rapid absorption .
  • The edges are well tucked in .
  • Non washed or pre washed .

The pads are available in different sizes and various number of plies .
A monofilament X-Ray detectable tape of length 7 cm contains at least 60% Barium Sulphate and is located on the side of the pad and can be detected in an X-ray plate with 90-110 kV .

The pad is available with an anchoring loop of 18 cm in length and made of 100 % pure cotton Autocalvable at location to meet the needs of surgical procedures.





No of plies

 Pads per packet

30 cm x 30 cm



45 cm X 45 cm



30 cm x 10 cm




Length of less than 90 meters are available on request .